Reaching Christian Leaders

The numbers present a raw reality.

Studies show 1 in 4 women will have an abortion by they time they are 45.* Comparing that with other data, it seems that adult women and
men who are a part of a church are just as likely to have an abortion story as someone is does not consider themselves Christian.** 

If those numbers hold up with a church of 1000 adults, it is very conservative to calculate that there are 100 women and men who have an abortion story. The true number is likely closer to 200.    

In This With You started because we believe, and statically know, there are tens millions of Christian women and men in the US with abortion stories who often exist silently within their churches and friendships with unspoken grief, guilt, and/or shame.

We believe God wants everyday followers of Jesus to know how real a past abortion is for many fellow believers. We want Christian small group leaders, pastors, and preachers to know that when they address or do not address the abortion, that they have a significant portion of their adult population who have this story.

Our experience is that abortion has typically existed as a moral and political conversation among Christian leaders, that is disconnected from the reality on how close this story hits the very believers they are shepherding.

Yet, we believe when Christian leaders know how close abortion is, that the Holy Spirit will lead you to ministering to your own in a way that is relational, honest, full of grace, and powerful and that requires no political motivation.

So the message God gave us, we give to you, for you to in turn share with your own.

“I want my kids who have an abortion story to know they are welcome Home.” 

What is "Home"?

Home is a safe place where God wants people to be first convinced of His complete love for them, before you would work through your abortion story with Him and others.

So, here we are, pointing you Home. We are here to encourage you to no longer silently carry your story of abortion, but rather to be brave, to turn fully to Jesus, to open up to trustworthy friends, and to heal.

So here is our invitation to you:

  1. Watch This Video
  2. Join us for a Zoom Group Meeting
  3. Follow Us on Social Media
  4. Share Your Story



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